Saturday, 25 November 2017

This unit: Soccer! Developing skills included kicking, dribbling, passing and stopping the ball. We formed teams and played games with the grades 1s and 2s where we put the skills into practice. Some passionate moments gave us an opportunity to discuss the big picture in why we're playing - exercise, skill development and fun with friends! Winning is secondary. We'll continue to reinforce this perspective in other units throughout the year.

Friday, 10 November 2017

We've started our dance unit! I will expose them to a number of different styles from different countries and so far we've done Hip Hop (US) and Highland Dance. Many of the kids hadn't seen or heard of Highland Dance so it was an opportunity to discuss it's origin, Scotland, the Bag Pipes as well as the Kilt - Men wear it too! Many of the students were resistant to trying it but I encouraged everyone to participate and at the end of the class, asked them to raise their hand if they enjoyed it. I got a unanimous "YES!!!"
The Hip Hop routine was to "Watch Me Whip." I recommend you try and copy the moves from the video. You'll enjoy the workout! Especially for the "Break Your Legs" move.
The Highland Dance routine we practiced was to The Proclaimers, I'm On My Way. (But doesn't play when I shoot a video).

Friday, 3 November 2017

Grade 1s and 2s:
Basketball - For this unit, we focused on dribbling, passing and catching. In the auditorium (no nets) we used kids to be the net and if their teammates passed the ball to them, they got 2 points! Many students really improved on their skills and gained more confidence in the game environment. We had some pretty spirited moments but we were able to resolve any conflicts quickly.

JK and SK:
Obstacle courses - I designed several obstacle courses for the students to work on a variety of skills: Balance, eye-hand coordination, strength and agility. I incorporated some challenges, such as moving the benches a bit further apart to create a gap when stepping across. Some found this easy but many were apprehensive at first however with some encouragement, we're all crossing the bench with ease. "Look Mrs. J! I'm doing it by myself!" : )

(Photos to be uploaded shortly)

For the last week leading up to Christmas we did ball hockey in PE! Given Mr. Oliver needed space in the auditorium to do Christmas concert ...